Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Journey

As a middle school history teacher, I teach about epic battles or epic journeys.  Two weeks ago, I made a decision to start my own.  I am determined to win the battle of my weight.  Oh, it's on.

It started a couple of months ago, when I busted a button on my pants on the way to work.  Nothing says professional like not being able to button your pants.  Other than bitching to myself and my poor husband, I guess I got pretty vocal.  You see, I lost myself somewhere along the way.  I forgot that I was brave, strong, pretty, and fun.  I hide behind and inside of my weight.  I'm ashamed.  I'm embarrassed.  I feel like a failure.  A fool.  A loser.  But mostly, I feel like a bad example for my kids (and my 75 at work).  How can I teach them to get back up, dust themselves off, and get after it...when I don't?

Enter Liz...

My friend, Liz, Funny Postpartum Lady to many of you, is also the woman behind New Mom Body. Now, she and I have never met "in real life," but I might as well have known her for years.  Both moms, both stepmoms, both Marine wives, and I think we both have a wicked sense of humor.  I follow ALL of her blogs, businesses, and her marathon training.  She's kind of a badass.  I've watched her lose her baby weight and get in shape.  I kept saying that I needed a jumpstart.  Just...something.  One night she offered to push me off the cliff.  She asked if I'd be willing to try a 30 day trial of Plexus Slim. 

So, let me see...drink one pink drink each morning and lose weight.  C'mon nothing is that easy.  30 day trial, huh?  What have a I got to lose, besides some weight.  I decided to also take the Accelerator+ as well, I mean, if we are gonna do this, let's do it! 

Two weeks later...

I'm down 4lbs, and down a couple of inches overall.
(disclaimer: probably more "Aunt Flo" showed up a week early, so I bet next week will be awesome!)

Now, you may not believe 4lbs to be worth it.  I say to you.  OMG!!!!  All I did was drink this super yummy pink drink before breakfast and take a Accelerator+.  Y'all....that is ALL I DID.  Three days in I was no longer craving soda, but I was hungry A LOT!  But I couldn't eat much, so I was eating 4-5-6 little meals a day.  I was not craving sugar.  What the What????  Yes!  And now I love getting my day started my pink drink.  It's like happy in a bottle!

To really explain this....I crave sugar like the cookie monster craves his cookies...and I look similar when I get some.  AND I am a soda-a-holic.  1-3 huge Dr. Peppers each day.  The more I get, the more I want.  I can't ever have enough "Cokes".  To go from this to....passing on anything sweet and refilling my water is unreal.  Sure, I'm had some soda, but it's rare, and half the time I don't finish an 8oz can, when I would drink a 20oz bottle and look for more.

SO....I'm looking forward to seeing where this will take me in the next 2 weeks.  And I can already see me going farther in the next couple of months. This was just the step I needed.  I needed to see my scale finally I could motivate myself to get up and move.  I have so much more energy.  I feel clearer, like my brain is coming out of a fog. 

I can't wait to report back again....

(by the way....I talked Hubs into this, as well.  And he's on his third week....he's down 8lbs.)

Thank you, Liz!  And thank you, Plexus!!!